Benefits and Disadvantages of UI Frameworks

10 Oct 2019

Work smarter, not harder! We’ve all heard this phrase before at least once in our lifetime. It means to use your thinking skills to minimize tasks, so that you use your time wisely and more efficiently to get things done quickly. This phrase can also be applied to the development world in the form of a UI Framework.

What is a UI framework?

A UI framework (User-Interface framework) is a frame with software tools to help hold together written code by the user. In UI development and design, they create a base around which the rest of the project can be built. This includes things like:


Easy to get started

Good Looking UI

Code is reliable and tested

Help is readily available


You’re not learning how to code

Updates can introduce issues

What’s the Verdict?

There are definitely pros and cons to using a UI framework. This means if you were a developer and had deadlines for your projects, by using a UI framework, it would help build your software quicker and more efficiently. This sure does make development life easier. But sometimes that may not be the case. You would have to learn all the nuances of the framework to be able to benefit from it.